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Metaphorical Signs in Computed Tomography of Chest and Abdomen

par Yudin, Andrey. Détails physiques : IX, 176 p. 88 illus., 84 illus. in color. online resource. ISBN :9783319040134.
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Saber-sheath trachea -- Eggshell calcification, rim enhancement -- Split-pleura sign -- Consolidation -- Ground-glass opacity, black bronchus sign -- Batwing or butterfly sign, cobblestone appearance -- Crazy paving sign -- Honeycombing -- Vanishing lung -- Mosaic perfusion or mosaic lung sign -- Air trapping -- Swiss cheese appearance -- Bulging fissure sign -- Feeding vessel or fruits on the branch sign -- Cannonball metastases, snowstorm sign -- Air bronchograms and pseudocavitations -- Halo sign -- Corona radiata or corona maligna, pleural tail sign -- Positive bronchus sign -- Rigler incisure or umbilical retraction -- Popcorn calcification and bull's-eye calcification -- Target calcification -- And more metaphorical signs in Computed Tomography of Chest and Abdomen.

When analyzing the results of diagnostic imaging studies, the radiologist traditionally makes reference to particular features representative of normality or pathology. Most of these features are associated with images of the world around us. This pictorial issue contains nearly 400 illustrations and descriptions of more than 100 classic radiological signs of chest and abdominal diseases that are not named after authors but based on metaphors derived from contemplation of our environment. By correlating the results of computed tomography with these vivid descriptive images, readers will be able to memorize typical and often pathognomonic patterns of disease more quickly and more easily. This book will be of value for both radiology residents and more experienced radiologists.

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