Votre recherche a retourné 6 résultats.

Diagnostic gynecologic and obstetric pathology par Crum, Christopher P. Publication : Philadelphia Saunders 2011 . xiv, 1202 p. , Drs. Christopher P. Crum, Marisa R. Nucci, and Kenneth R. Lee help you diagnose neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of the female reproductive tract with their comprehensive update of Diagnostic Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology. This 2nd Edition provides all of the latest guidance needed to accurately evaluate pathologic features and morphologic patterns. With 650+ new color images, an appendix with algorithms for the use of biomarkers, key points, diagnostic pearls, and more ...all now available with searchable online access.this title is a must-have for today's pathologist. Find distinct diagnostic/differential diagnostic criteria for any potential obstetric/gynecologic specimen encountered in practice. Integrate exfoliative cytology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular/genetic testing together with findings gleaned from the traditional open surgical biopsy. Examine the cytologic features of specimens taken from the uterine cervix and corpus, following the Bethesda classification of these lesions. View more than 2,250 full-color photographs and photomicrographs, ideal for side-by-side comparison to the specimens seen in the laboratory. Make better decisions regarding complex pregnancy situations with a new chapter devoted to the "Placental Correlates of Unanticipated Fetal Death." Experience easier reference with key points and diagnostic pearls at the end of each chapter, and a new appendix on algorithms for the use of biomarkers. Update your cancer assessment skills with the restructured section on pelvic epithelial malignancies, including a new chapter on "Assessing Pelvic Cancer Risk and Intercepting Early Malignancy." Gain the professional insights of new co-editor Dr. Marissa Nucci, an associate professor in pathology at the Harvard Medical School. Search the complete text online and download the image library at A strong revision to cover the latest updates in the field for one of the only comprehensive references for the practicing pathologist that covers both neoplastic and non-neoplastic disorders of the female genital system. 29 cm. Date : 2011 Disponibilité : Exemplaires disponibles: La bibliothèque des Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques (1),

Obstetric anesthesia : principles and practice / par MD,, David H. Chestnut. Publication : [S.l.] : Mosby, 2004 . 1216 p. ; , The New Edition of this comprehensive, highly respected reference encompasses the entire current state of knowledge about obstetric anesthesia. Edited by a leading authority in the field, it covers everything from basic science...through the various anesthesia techniques for labor and the full range of anesthetic and obstetric complications, as well as medical disorders during pregnancy. * Emphasizes the treatment of the fetus and the mother as separate patients with distinct needs. * Delivers contributions from many leaders in the fields of obstetric anesthesia and maternal-fetal medicine in the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain. * Offers abundant figures, tables, and boxes that illustrate the step-by-step management of a full range of * Presents key point summaries in each chapter for quick, convenient reference. 28 cm. Date : 2004 Disponibilité : Exemplaires disponibles: La bibliothèque des Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques (1),

Obstetric intensive care manual / par Foley, Michael R. Publication : [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2004 . 464 p. ; , BrochØ. 21 cm. Date : 2004 Disponibilité : Exemplaires disponibles: La bibliothèque des Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques (1),

The Atlas of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology : comprehensive otology / par Doubilet, Peter M. Publication : [S.l.] : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003 . 421 p. ; , Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Atlas provides images and authoritative commentary covering all aspects of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound. Large, clear illustrations highlight normal and pathologic conditions and interventional procedures. For radiologists, obstetricians, and gynecologists. DNLM: Ultrasonography, Prenatal--Atlases. 29 cm. Date : 2003 Disponibilité : Exemplaires disponibles: La bibliothèque des Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques (1),

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