Your search returned 10 results.

Medical biotechnology : Current achievements and prospects. Another golden era/ by Sasson, Albert Publication: Rabat . 423 pages Availability: Items available: La bibliothèque des sciences de l'ingénieur (5),
  (1 votes)
Health care, Food and nutrition : Opportunities and challenges for the life sciences and biotechnology / by Sasson, Albert Publication: Rabat . 621 pages , Publication supportet by: Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology ; Centre for Global Sustainability Studies University Sains Malaysia ( USM) Availability: Items available: La bibliothèque des sciences de l'ingénieur (5),

From green to white biotechnology : great challenges, urgent solutions / by Sasson, Albert Publication: Rabat . 739 pages : , Publication supportet by Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology and Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation 24 cm. Availability: Items available: La bibliothèque des sciences de l'ingénieur (5),

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